In the beginning…

In the beginning were good intentions: New Year resolutions and all that important not-crap.

The plan is to blog about the books I read in 2017. This is very ambitious because my reading style is pretty lazy; I am all about the stories and not the finer details. This will force me to slow down and get to know every book I read intimately.

The ultimate goal at the end of the year is to have a better reader experience and learn to be more selective of the things I read and be able to put into words how I engaged with the books I read.

I have written proper book reviews in another life but the experience was never fulfilling. I found myself having to follow some unwritten rules and be all literary and proper and diplomatic and PC. That’s not what this blog is about at all. I will try to blog as soon as I finish a book so the impressions are still fresh and I don’t overthink it.

I will not be obeying any rules.

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